Upcoming Event: ‘Stafford Under Siege!’ Stafford Castle, Staffordshire – 9th September 2018.

As the eagle eyed amongst you may have realised, we haven’t had a regimental Living History event so far this year, similar to those we did over the past few years at Kenilworth, Bolsover and Helmsley. We’re about to rectify that this weekend with an event at Stafford Castle.

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Helmsley Castle, Yorkshire: 12th & 13th August 2017

After the success of our event at Kenilworth Castle in May, and to repay the favour that our friends in Lisles regiment had done by coming to help out again and play our enemy once more, it was time for Newcastle’s to come and do their bit at Lisle’s own event at Helmsley Castle in North Yorkshire and what an excellent weekend it was!

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Siege! Bolsover Castle, Derbyshire: 1st & 2nd May 2016

It’s been a busy few months for Newcastle’s and it’s about time we updated you on what’s been going on! Over the next few days and weeks we will let you know about the fun we’ve been having and what we’ve got coming up as we get stuck into the rest of this campaigning season.

Back in May, we headed to Bolsover Castle, spiritual home of the regiment for an event with English Heritage. Bolsover Castle is a beautiful castle in the Derbyshire Countryside that was the playboy home of William Cavendish before the war before becoming a relaxing home for himself and his second wife once they returned from exile in France in the 1660s. It provided two great days of Living History and skirmishing and a lovely time was had by all.

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