Smaller Events: Basing House, Newark Sconce and The Siege of Sheffield

As well as our bigger events, we’ve been taking part in some of the smaller events that have been happening up and down the country.

These smaller or ‘mini’ musters are a great opportunity to make new friends with other regiments of the society and get involved in even more weekends. They’re good fun and often provide some of the most memorable events in the back catalogue!

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Newstead Abbey, Nottinghamshire: 27th – 30th May 2016

At the end of May we went off to our first Major Muster of the year which took place at Newstead Abbey in Nottinghamshire. This gorgeous house was the home of famous poet Lord Byron and has provided the back drop to a couple more of our big events over the past few years so it was nice to be back in familiar territory.

The regiment had a lovely time seeing each other again all together for the first time this season and a couple of good battles coupled with good weather made for a great weekend.

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Siege! Bolsover Castle, Derbyshire: 1st & 2nd May 2016

It’s been a busy few months for Newcastle’s and it’s about time we updated you on what’s been going on! Over the next few days and weeks we will let you know about the fun we’ve been having and what we’ve got coming up as we get stuck into the rest of this campaigning season.

Back in May, we headed to Bolsover Castle, spiritual home of the regiment for an event with English Heritage. Bolsover Castle is a beautiful castle in the Derbyshire Countryside that was the playboy home of William Cavendish before the war before becoming a relaxing home for himself and his second wife once they returned from exile in France in the 1660s. It provided two great days of Living History and skirmishing and a lovely time was had by all.

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Upcoming Event: The Siege of Basing House, Hampshire – 9th & 10th April 2016

Spring has finally arrived, the lambs (not us just yet) are now running around in fields up and down the country, so that means one thing, the re-enactment season is getting under way!

After a great Winter, including our Feaste (more about that soon, promise!), a little jolly out to Nantwich in January and some other opportunities to catch up with each other, it’s time for the 2016 season to get underway properly as we venture out this weekend.

This weekend we’re off to North Hampshire for a battle at Basing House. During the Civil War Basing House, one of the biggest and grandest houses outside of London at the time. A fantastic Tudor Mansion, it was owned by Sir John Paulet who fought for the King. Being located within strategic distance of London, Basing House was under siege by Parliament 3 separate times during the war.

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Holly Holy Day, Nantwich: 23rd January 2016

A couple of weeks ago we went up into the lofts and to the backs of garages to dig out the re-enactment gear for the start of another season and headed to Cheshire. The annual Holly Holy Day celebrations take place in the town of Nantwich every year, commemorating the Battle of Nantwich, 26th January 1644 and the regiment went along in force to join in. It’s not our usual time for re-enacting but it’s a nice break in the winter quarters and we decided it was worth braving the colder climate!

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